Saturday, March 1, 2008

Jackson for Mayor - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more


Jackie Jackson said...

Jackson will be making an announcement today, Monday 3/10 @5p

You can reach our campaign at 804.931.2061.

Jackie Jackson said...

A week ago on the steps of Richmond City Hall in front of friends, supporters, and the media, I, Jackie Jackson, formally announced my candidacy for Richmond Mayor.

Since mid February, when rumors began to circulate about my bid for Mayor, people began to tell me about the potential and promise that Richmond has to offer, but they also talked about the healing that needs to take place in order for our community and our government to move forward.

As the next Mayor, I will instill a spirit of compromise, collaboration, and common sense to City Hall. I realize that “business as usual must come to a stop!” The infighting, name calling, and personal grudges among the city’s leaders is getting old. It is a disruptive and outdated form of politics that has held the city and its citizens back from getting to the next level.

I will bring a new style of leadership along with my six years of experience as an elected official to the Mayor’s office. My vision for transforming the city will include a three-pronged approach centered on unifying the City and built on the cornerstones of:

1. Education – accountability for the Richmond Public Schools will be my #1 priority. It starts by collaborating with school administrators, teachers, parents and most importantly students, to cultivate schools that are “models of excellence” in public education throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. It also entails working on one accord with the School Board and City Council to make sure that resources are allocated responsibly.
2. Economic growth – enhancing the employment landscape by working with companies to make Richmond a home for new and expanded business operations and by increasing opportunities for entrepreneurship. It also includes ensuring that services in neighborhoods accompany the new houses being built. Grocery stores, cleaners, restaurants, street lights, drainage solutions, etc need to be included in neighborhood development.
3. Affordable Housing – expanding affordable housing opportunities by reducing the cost for obtaining the "right to build", removing any barriers to obtaining permits, and bringing residents and developers together in the planning process to enhance the quality of life in neighborhoods throughout the city

In the coming months, I will travel the city to share my vision with the residents. I will share with you my commitment to sensible leadership and fiscal responsibility. I will also discuss my plans to partner with local and regional officials at every level of government thus optimizing Richmond’s potential for success.

Most importantly, I am looking forward to engaging in a dialogue about how the community can collectively commit to improving the city government, enhancing the quality of life for all residents and creating model schools of excellence that equip children with the tools needed to compete and succeed in the 21st century.

I want to hear from you. Please feel free to contact me by phone, email or in person.

Anonymous said...

Ms Jackson,

I have left a comment on James River Maven to request you to document your votes while on School Board/City Council on the $42MM Golden Retirement Program, this year's installment can be seen on page 65 of the School Board's approved budget.

Thank you for your response with the appropriate documentation.

Jackie Jackson said...

All votes are a matter of public record and are documented already. Please feel free to visit the City Clerk's page

to view any vote that I have taken.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie,

Sean Smith, I don't know if you remembered me but I worked with you on the youth commission, a few summers ago. I heard that you were running for Mayor and I was extremely excited. I have been trying to find a way to get in contact with you for a while. The reason for my message is; I would love to help out with the campaign this summer. I'm currently a political science major and I would love to gain some more experience hopefully working with you (I'm currently running a chapter of Students for Barack Obama at JMU). I love love if you could send me an e-mail and let me know (


Sean Smith